Brava David,

Perhaps some small amount of unknown judaic genes ? You are familiar, the phrase, wandering Jew? :)

Bit of tongue in cheek.

Many wish to leave a place, go elsewhere, escape this or that dislike or even boredom. Most stay put and put up with whatever is presented to them in their life.

That overused ( I find it dismissive most of the time), overworked phrase, "it is what it is"gets bandied about .

Takes chutzpah to pick up and go elsewhere, even when elsewhere is back to familiar ground. Or country.

You've still got a fabulous project waiting in the wings for completion too!

Perhaps your focus upon that project is to be your grounding point?

Just sayin.. (to use another overused annoying phrase). LOL

Hey, a bit of sand in life's bathing suit may be just the ticket to boot you in the right direction.

We both know what I am talking about. Yes?

Love and Light, DWB

PS- Let me know where you physically land. Ready to step up to your goal?


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Perhaps I'm creating a new archetype: The Wandering Goy! Yes, the Project is one grounding point of my life, another is this Substack, and most of all, my real grounding point is close friends such as yourself. As always. I have squoze all I can out of Berlin, and I will be back again. In the SUMMER. Now, I'm going where the weather suits my clothes, as the old song says...

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Hi, David! It’s do good to hear from you! I’ve written this before, but I think you are so ver6 brave. 🤗

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I appreciate that, Shelley. I don't see myself as brave at all, though I've been through some *@#! But a normal life is scarier than this one! I am used to the uncertainty, though not knowing where I'll be two days from now is a bit...unnerving. But once Monday arrives, I'll know where I am!

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